Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Edit progress - If Only You Knew

During the edit session in which we showed our rough cuts there were still shots that we needed to get as well as some colour correcting to the footage we had already shot. The footage from one of our scenes was very orange and need adjusting, also the recording for the scenes, when listening back to them, were extremely low causing us to change up the idea of the film as it was very dialogue heavy. Pretty much all of the dialogue from that scene was unusable so after listening to feedback we all decided it was the best idea to change around the film, luckily we hadn't shot everything we planned to at that point in time so it wasn't too much of a hassle to turn it around however we only had a few days. As a group we brainstormed ideas and eventually came up with a way to alter the film in the space of time we had, listening to feedback really helped us spark some ideas as well as keep things positive whilst looking for ways to work around a problem we had. That was one of the main things we acknowledged from our progress because as a team we worked well in that moment, on top of other work and stresses, to keep looking for ways to improve rather than give up.

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