Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Creative Project Development and Realisation evaluation
In comparison to the short films I have made over this year the drama film was probably the hardest and most complex, however it was quite a good experience overall. The beginning process is always something I enjoy in terms of developing new ideas and themes we could experiment with as a team, also as it was a drama there was obviously a lot more planning on the technical and visual approach which I also enjoyed as I felt we had a lot more freedom as I prefer drama to documentary. It was really helpful getting ideas from other people outside our team as during the read through session at the beginning of the process we gathered some great ideas that helped us develop our story. Also as a team we had a few different members which brought us a lot of new ideas as some of us had never worked together before. As I felt comfortable with camera me and another team member were initially both on cinematography, however later in the process I changed to writer and co-cinematographer. Although I only helped slightly we both brainstormed together and got some great ideas for shots and styles that inspired us, for me specifically it was This Is England (2010-2015, Shane Meadows. UK: Film4 Productions.) and Luther (2010-2015, Multiple directors. UK: BBC Drama Productions) which are both its gritty british TV shows that have over the seasons always maintained their own individual camera style that compliments the narrative excellently, they are also some of my favourite shows in terms of character, narrative and style which is why I thought our drama would work well using them for inspiration.
During the filming process we generally worked quite well as a team, apart from one member that did not contribute in any way and was not present for our shoots, there were no major issues that we face and minor issues we worked out very quickly and resolved fairly easily as everyone had the same goal in mind and wanted to produce the best piece of work that we could. We were also very fortunate that one of our team members had a house where we could shoot some of the scenes as a house was one of our locations and student accommodation couldn't be used, although we ended up using a kitchen space from one of our accommodations as we had to at last minute change the story around. Initially we were filming the main body of the film in the house and then some shots outside, as the house scene was very dialogue heavy we relied on the sound recordings however our sound recordist accidentally recorded the dialogue too low so it was unusable. Due to this we had very little time to change the story however we worked through it together and managed to work around the situation to finish the film.
Throughout the whole process I have learnt to make a little more time for shooting and editing and to thoroughly check everything through after a shoot day to make sure we are not missing anything.
Over this entire module I have learnt many things and developed my skills in areas where I work best, along with my overall filmmaking skills and the quality of work that had been produced. At the beginning of the year our first task was a 3 minute sound piece in pairs using brief topic “sense of space”, as this was the first task and I had only had experience in film studies and a little bit of editing it was quite hard knowing how to approach the subject. The end result wasn’t the best piece of work but it formed the basis of our next task which was an experimental film using only the sound piece and no other recording, so this meant we already had a ‘storyline’ to go from which did help a little. For the experimental film I did almost all of the editing and I quite enjoyed it, editing is something I would like to pick back up in year 2 as for the next two tasks I did cinematography and producing and editing is something I really enjoy. Planning for the experimental was quite hard as well as it was such an open opportunity to ‘experiment’ with different camera techniques and narrative techniques and make something really interesting; and looking back on it I feel I could have pushed myself even more and have the confidence to produce something uniques as I felt our finished product wasn’t developed enough. One reason for this was that I found it quite hard to work with my assigned partner in terms of filming as well as organising planning and ideas, also as this was only the second task I wasn't quite as comfortable with my partner as I was with other people in other tasks.
The short documentary task however was something I really enjoyed as although I generally prefer doing drama I had a really good group and our idea was something new and hadn't really been done before. We had to base the documentary around Sheffield so we decided to make it about Sheffield students and how the lack of sleep effects them in their life and their work; and overall the final product was personally one of my better pieces of work. As well as the initial idea process I was producer for this project as well as helping with ideas for cinematography as that is again one of the areas I enjoy doing most. The filming process was quite straightforward, we didn't run into many problems and as a group we worked very hard to get the final product finished. There is of course a lot more I can do and hope to do to improve my skills in cinematography as well as further improving my editing skills, although having only ever doing high level photography work in the past I am happy with the progress and work I have made over this module.
Edit progress - If Only You Knew
During the edit session in which we showed our rough cuts there were still shots that we needed to get as well as some colour correcting to the footage we had already shot. The footage from one of our scenes was very orange and need adjusting, also the recording for the scenes, when listening back to them, were extremely low causing us to change up the idea of the film as it was very dialogue heavy. Pretty much all of the dialogue from that scene was unusable so after listening to feedback we all decided it was the best idea to change around the film, luckily we hadn't shot everything we planned to at that point in time so it wasn't too much of a hassle to turn it around however we only had a few days. As a group we brainstormed ideas and eventually came up with a way to alter the film in the space of time we had, listening to feedback really helped us spark some ideas as well as keep things positive whilst looking for ways to work around a problem we had. That was one of the main things we acknowledged from our progress because as a team we worked well in that moment, on top of other work and stresses, to keep looking for ways to improve rather than give up.
Technical/aesthetic approach to drama short film

Sunday, 16 April 2017
About a girl - directed by Brian Percival
About a girl is a short drama that focuses on a young teenage girl, bringing in aspects of her family and friends however mainly focusing on her. The themes throughout this film including family relationships, belonging whether it be were she wants to/needs to live and loneliness as we can see from when she speeds time with her dad, although she seems fine with her friends and has two parents it seems that she is distanced from them even whilst being around them. The film consists of the girl delivering a monologue directly to the camera/audience cut together with relating scenes between her family/friends. At the beginning we get an almost lighthearted feel from film due to the comical way in which she delivers her comments, but in the shots where she isn't speaking you see the reality of her life. For example she wishes to go live with her dad, explains how the family aren’t too well off financially etc. however as she is just a kid she tells us in a way that isn't as serious and provokes the occasional laugh from the way she delivers it. The director has used the perfect amount of each to show you her perspective and the reality which is slightly different. I think the director used this approach to ease us in in order for the plot twist revealed at the end of the film.
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